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Watershed-Based Management Plan Tables
Table 1. Population statistics for the towns of China and Vassalboro, Kennebec County, and the State of Maine from 2008 to 2020, and projected populations for 2023
Table 2. China Lake watershed land cover types
Table 3. Average Al:Fe at each sediment sampling location in China Lake
Table 4. Summary of the number of lots on sensitive soils within 150 ft of China Lake or tributary streams
Table 5. Native and non-native fish species in China Lake
Table 6. Coastal pond lake type: water quality parameter ranges for China Lake, Station 1
Table 7. Land cover phosphorus coefficients and land cover areas for China Lake
Table 8. Total phosphorus and water loading summary from internal and external watershed sources for the East Basin of China Lake
Table 9. Total phosphorus and water loading summary from internal and external watershed sources for the West Basin of China Lake
Table 10. Modeled water quality and P loading predictions under background conditions, target load reduction conditions, current conditions, and various future development and climate change scenarios for China Lake, East Basin
Table 11. Modeled water quality and phosphorus loading predictions under background conditions, target load reduction conditions, current conditions, and various future development and climate change scenarios for China Lake, West Basin
Table 12. Summary of NPS sites in the China Lake watershed by land use and impact rating
Table 13. Possible improvement in China Lake with a 90% reduction in internal loading
Table 14. Water quality benchmarks and interim targets for China Lake (East Basin)
Table 15. Water quality benchmarks and interim targets for China Lake (West Basin)
Table 15 (cont). Water quality benchmarks and interim targets for China Lake (West Basin)
Table 16. Social indicators, benchmarks, and interim targets for China Lake
Table 16 (cont). Social indicators, benchmarks, and interim targets for China Lake
Table 16. Social indicators, benchmarks, and interim targets for China Lake
Table 17. Programmatic indicators, benchmarks, and interim target for China Lake
Table 18. China Lake planning objectives, P load reduction targets, & cost
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