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China Lake Maine: Arial view

Watershed-based Management Plan

The China Lake Watershed-Based Management Plan (WBMP) describes the water quality conditions, watershed characteristics, and steps that can be taken to restore water quality in China Lake over the next 10 years.


The plan is estimated to cost $3.16 million to complete through state, federal and local resources over this time period. The plan outlines management strategies and a planning schedule (2022 – 2032), establishes water quality goals and objectives, and describes actions needed to achieve these goals. This includes strategies to:

  1. Increase efforts to reduce the external phosphorus load by addressing existing nonpoint source (NPS) pollution throughout the watershed and limit new sources of phosphorus from future development and effects of climate change.

  2. Significantly reduce the internal phosphorus load through inactivation of phosphorus in bottom sediments.

  3. Prevent new sources of nonpoint source pollution from getting into the lake throughmunicipal planning and enforcement, land conservation, and climate change adaptation.

  4. Raise public awareness about lake restoration strategies to increase participation in planning efforts among watershed residents.

  5. Build local capacity through partnership building and fundraising activities.

  6. Monitor and assess improvements in China Lake’s water quality over time. This includes annual baseline monitoring in the lake, stream monitoring, plankton monitoring, and monitoring of harmful algal blooms.


China Lake Watershed Interactive Map (LEA) - Zoom in and click on China Lake to see the watershed boundary.


Masthead Photo Credit: Jen Syer

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