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China Lake Maine: looking north from wentworth point

Board of Directors


Our Board of Directors is committed to bringing our vision to life.


We are currently accepting letters of interest and/or resumes from current members or other persons interested in serving on the Board of Directors. 


The Board has monthly business meetings (mostly via Zoom) and normally meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. In addition to regular meeting attendance, Directors are required to be actively engaged and fully support our mission.


Directors shall be selected entirely on a nondiscriminatory basis with respect to age, sex, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status. 


To be considered for service as a Director, please email a letter of interest and/or a resume to; direct questions to the attention of Stephen Greene.


Stephen Greene

Vice President

Eric Lind


Jen Chase


Steve Jones


Communications Director

Jen Syer

Board of Directors

Robbie Bickford

Gerry Boyle

Jen Chase

Bruce Fitzgerald

Stephen Greene

Bob Hargadon

Mike Hendrikse

Steve Jones

Eric Lind

William Powell

David Preston

Jen Syer 



Jen Jesperson, Ecological Instincts

Joshua Haiss, Watershed Coordinator

Masthead Photo Credit: Jen Syer

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Preserving China Lake for future generations 
through environmental stewardship and
community action.

PO Box 6215, China Village, ME 04926 | | Privacy Policy & Terms Contact Us

China Lake Association, founded in 1987, is a duly organized and existing 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in good standing under applicable laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Maine, whose membership, officers and directors are dedicated to the protection and preservation of China Lake.


Footer Photography Credits: Left - David Preston, Center - Amy Thibodeau, Right - Matt Halkyard

China Lake Maine: cow lily and lily pads
China Lake Maine: summer sunset
China Lake Maine: four loons
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